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Crimes of violence encompass numerous categories of offences such as threats, assaults in various degrees of seriousness, domestic assault, and sexual assault.  Through meticulous cross-examination, and thorough preparation of the testimony of the client, King Defence has successfully defended clients against all categories of violent crimes. King  Defence will listen to your version of events and walk you through the process of getting prepared to take the stand in your own defence.


A threat involves the accused person telling someone, whether the intended victim or another person, that the accused person intends to apply unwanted physical force to a person or their property. This crime, as with most crimes, involves an element of intention to cause fear or carry through with the threat. Often the defence to this offence is that the accused did not intend to cause fear (the accused person was joking or blowing off steam without any seriousness).


Many cases of assault have defences of self-defence or consensual fight. In these cases, it is important that the accused person be prepared to take the stand and testify as to their version of the events. Because most of these crimes are not caught on video tape, and often lack physical evidence that can be physically linked to the accused person, eyewitnesses are required to testify.


Domestic assault can involve a spouse, family member, or even someone you are dating. In a domestic assault charge, the situation can become emotionally charged on both sides. Issues regarding bail conditions can make the situation even more difficult when there are no-contact orders in place keeping the accused person from their home and/or their children. Normally, to change these conditions, a third party such a lawyer is required to gather information and convince the Crown Prosecutor or the court to change the conditions to allow the accused person access to children and to try to get some normalcy back in the accused person’s life.


Sexual assaults are assaults that involve a sexual nature. This can range from a kiss or subtle grope to vaginal intercourse. These cases can be very complex and involve multiple approaches to the defence. 


Phone: 780-221-6928
Fax: 587-635-0850

1750, Phipps-McKinnon Bldg
10020 – 101A Ave NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 3G2​


Our lawyers serve clients across Alberta. See the courthouse locations we regularily practice in.

© 2024 by KING DEFENCE

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