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Most drug offences are outlined in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act of Canada. Drug offences can range from the simple possession of substances such as  methamphetamine and cocaine to the trafficking in commercial quantities of substances such as heroin or fentanyl. Convictions for these charges can result substantial jail time, fines, and/or serious prohibitions that will permanently affect the ability to travel outside of Canada or seek employment. Other serious  ramifications include the seizure and forfeiture of money, vehicles and other assets of those involved in drug offences. 


Drug trafficking prosecutions often involve lengthy and complicated trials, involving complex issues such as expert evidence, Charter of Rights violations, confidential informants, and search warrant, tracking or wiretap challenges. More and more frequently the search of cell phone data and social media is being used by police to support convictions. Frequently, weapons charges accompany drug charges due to overcharging. It is critical that a person facing drug charges have a skilled and experienced defence lawyer review the circumstances to determine whether there is a potential defence to the charges and the likelihood of the defence being successful. 


In addition to assessing legal issues, we frequently engage with addictions counsellors, psychologists, and treatment facilities. A holistic approach to addressing underlying reasons for drug involvement can be convincing to the prosecutor and judge that serious steps are taking place and to give the accused person a chance to succeed in turning his or her life around.


The lawyers at King Defence have been successful at defending persons charged with drug and related offences, and reaching the most favourable resolutions where a conviction cannot be avoided. King Defence offers a free initial consultation and review of your case, and will explain all of the options available to you and the best course of action. Our lawyers will explore all avenues of your defence and guide you through every step of the process in achieving the most favourable solution for your matter. If you or a family member are facing charges related to drugs, please contact our office today to speak with a lawyer about your case.


Phone: 780-221-6928
Fax: 587-635-0850

1750, Phipps-McKinnon Bldg
10020 – 101A Ave NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 3G2​


Our lawyers serve clients across Alberta. See the courthouse locations we regularily practice in.

© 2024 by KING DEFENCE

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